Sunday, October 12, 2008


Sometimes, there is this strong sense of loss. It has been half a decade now, away from home. The person in me that had left home five years ago has evolved substantially since then. And now, the distance between me and that left-behind value system gapes so large, that I often find myself floating. Uncomfortably. Cut off from my roots.

Visiting home doesn't feel the same any more. I have just drifted too far away, and find myself a painful misfit in those familiar surroundings. And therefore the sense of loss. As if I no longer have a home to go back to, some place I truly belong. And it is at times like this that I shut myself up, alone, in the hushed darkness of my room, searching for myself. Searching for a spirit, that has silently evolved within, and has now become my only home, my roots, and my identity.

All you who sleep tonight

All you who sleep tonight
Far from the ones you love,
No hand to left or right
And emptiness above -

Know that you aren't alone
The whole world shares your tears,
Some for two nights or one,
And some for all their years.

~ Vikram Seth

Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Day after the 4th!

Taadaaaa.....the first Post Pujo 2008 Blog is here! (I am a wee bit gleeful at the thought of beating the head honchos of the organization at it). The Pujo yesterday was simply amazing and did bring to life the oft used cliche of a "rocking event" . Rocking it was...and how! The "Protima" was, to say the least, beautifully different and innovative to the E. I never knew till yesterday that FREE food could taste that good and as for the cultural program- it was effortlessly enthralling. But most of all, what I cherished was the feeling of belonging that the event exuded which made it a Pujo to call my OWN. A Pujo I have been proud to be associated with the past 4 years.
Before I retire back to bed with the liner smudged panda eyes (speaks volume of my post dance laziness), I would just like to thank everyone involved in what transpired yesterday for making it so beautiful. The people who've worked silently behind the scenes and those who've been vocal in front, from the President ofthe organization to the unknown smiling face who served food and everyone in between who made yesterday a warm bouquet of beautiful memories to be cherished for a long, long time.
A special thanks to my "partners in rhyme"- Payel, Sonia, Radhika and Tallin. I had an wonderful time performing with all of you.We did an amazing job yesterday and I would not have had half as much fun as I did had it not been for the friendships I forged with all of you over my hyperventilating bouts of practice, loud (and if I may add sometimes corny) jokes and hearty laughter. Your patience with me was indeed amazing!
Thanks again BSSM for the lovely evening...and a home away from home.