Sunday, October 12, 2008


Sometimes, there is this strong sense of loss. It has been half a decade now, away from home. The person in me that had left home five years ago has evolved substantially since then. And now, the distance between me and that left-behind value system gapes so large, that I often find myself floating. Uncomfortably. Cut off from my roots.

Visiting home doesn't feel the same any more. I have just drifted too far away, and find myself a painful misfit in those familiar surroundings. And therefore the sense of loss. As if I no longer have a home to go back to, some place I truly belong. And it is at times like this that I shut myself up, alone, in the hushed darkness of my room, searching for myself. Searching for a spirit, that has silently evolved within, and has now become my only home, my roots, and my identity.

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