Monday, October 19, 2009

BSSM Music Club: Getting started ...

Okay, it's finally time to get started ... with the first BSSM Hobby Center!

Or perhaps I should use the term "BSSM Music Club" instead of "BSSM Music Hobby Center". The phrase "Hobby Center" sounds more catchy (yes ... we all crave for attention), but it's not quite self-explanatory. The idea of "club" is perhaps what we have in our minds ... and so I decided to edit the title of this post in the last minute.

Anyway, as the wise folks say ... what's in a name? ... the point is that we are getting started :)

Here are some of the activities we plan to do in this club:

A) Meet regularly!

(i) Spend some time with people who want "to do something" related to music.
(ii) Catch-up with what's going on in the music world.

B) Create a digital archive - to easily share music among us!

C) Brainstorm (and practice) music which we may play as a group!

D) Provide a platform for newcomers (newly learning music) to perform!

Thanks for all the enthusiastic responses I received so far. (frankly I thought my blog-post will go unnoticed ... so I was surprised to receive 3 positive replies within 30 min of my posting!)

We are planning to meet soon! (Tentative date: Nov 1 or 8 - Sun, after lunch. Venue - TBD)

Curious to know more? Email at